mull1 / məl/ • v. [tr.] think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length: she began to mull over the various possibilities.mull2 • v. [tr.] [usu. as adj.] (mulled) warm (a beverage, esp. wine, beer, or cider) and add spices and sweetening to it: a tankard of mulled ale.mull3 • n. Soil Science humus formed under nonacid conditions.mull4 • n. thin, soft, plain muslin, used in bookbinding for joining the spine of a book to its cover.
mull A type of surface humus horizon that is chemically neutral or alkaline in reaction, that is well aerated, and that provides generally favourable conditions for the decomposition of organic matter. Mull humus is well decomposed and intimately mixed with mineral matter. It forms a ground-surface layer in deciduous forest and is typical of brown earths.
mull A type of surface humushorizon that is chemically neutral or alkaline in reaction, well aerated, and provides generally favourable conditions for the decomposition of organic matter. Mull humus is well decomposed and intimately mixed with mineral matter. It forms a ground surface layer in deciduous forest and is typical of brown earths.
mull Type of surface humus soil horizon that is chemically neutral or alkaline in reaction, that is well aerated, and that provides generally favourable conditions for the decomposition of organic matter. Mull humus is well decomposed and intimately mixed with mineral matter.
mull A well-aerated, fertile, surface soil that is rich in organic material mixed with mineral matter by the activity of animals (especially earthworms). Animal and vegetable material is not recognizable microscopically (Compare MOR).
mull3 (sl.) muddle, mess. XIX. perh. f. (dial.) mull pulverize, crumble (XV), f. mull dust, ashes (XIV) — (M)Du. mul, mol (see MULLOCK).
mull1 promontory. XIV. cf. Gael. maol, Icel. múli (perh. identical with múli snout).