
views updated May 18 2018

neat1 / nēt/ • adj. 1. (of a place or thing) arranged in an orderly, tidy way: the books had been stacked up in neat piles. ∎  (of a person) habitually tidy, well groomed, or well organized: her daughter was always neat and clean. ∎  having a pleasing shape or appearance; well formed or regular: Alan noted down the orders in his neat, precise script. ∎ inf. very good or pleasant; excellent: I've been taking lessons in tracking from this really neat Indian guide.2. done with or demonstrating skill or efficiency: Howard's neat, precise tackling. ∎  tending to disregard specifics for the sake of convenience; slick or facile: this neat division does not take into account a host of associated factors.3. (of liquid, esp. liquor) not diluted or mixed with anything else: he drank neat Scotch.DERIVATIVES: neat·ly adv.neat·ness n.neat2 • n. archaic a bovine animal. ∎  cattle.


views updated May 23 2018

neat1 (arch., dial.) animal of the ox kind; cattle. OE. nēat = OS. nōt (Du. noot), OHG. nōz, ON. naut :- Gmc. *nautam, f. *naut- *neut- *nut- make use of, enjoy, whence also OE. nēotan, OHG. niozan (G. geniessen), ON. njóta, neyta, Goth. niutan use, enjoy.


views updated May 21 2018

neat2 †clean, †clear; free from reductions; smart, dainty, tidy. XVI. — (O)F. net :- L. nitidus shining, clean, f. nitēre shine.

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