ping / ping/ • n. 1. a short high-pitched ringing sound, as of a tap on a crystal glass: the syncopated ping of steel drums. ∎ a percussive knocking sound, esp. in an internal combustion engine: if any sign of engine ping occurs.2. Packet Internet Gopher, a utility which is used to query another computer on a TCP/IP network in order to determine whether there is a connection to it.• v. [intr.] 1. make such a sound. ∎ [tr.] cause (something) to make a such a sound.2. to query another computer on a TCP/IP network to determine whether there is a connection to it.
ping A short message that an application sends from one system on a network to another (or, as a verb, to send such a message), primarily to establish whether the receiver is active, or the network linking sender and receiver is operational. A system receiving a ping will typically respond by immediately retransmitting the incoming message back to the original sender. (The word ping may be an acronym for packet Internet gopher or possibly imitative in origin.)