pro·to·plasm / ˈprōtəˌplazəm/ • n. Biol. the colorless material comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles.DERIVATIVES: pro·to·plas·mic / ˌprōtəˈplazmik/ adj.
protoplasm The complex, translucent, colourless, colloidal substance that occurs within each cell, including the cell membrane but excluding the large vacuoles, masses of secretions, ingested material, etc. It is differentiated into nucleoplasm (protoplasm in the nucleus) and cytoplasm (protoplasm in the rest of the cell).
protoplasm A complex, translucent, colourless, colloidal substance within each cell, including the cell membrane, but excluding the large vacuoles, masses of secretions, ingested material, etc. In animals and plants it is differentiated into nucleoplasm (protoplasm in the nucleus) and cytoplasm (protoplasm in the rest of the cell).
protoplasm The material comprising the living contents of a cell, i.e. all the substances in a cell except large vacuoles and material recently ingested or to be excreted. The term is no longer used; the material of the cell is now referred to as the cytoplasm, apart from the nucleoplasm inside the nucleus.