punt1 / pənt/ • n. a long, narrow, flat-bottomed boat, square at both ends and propelled with a long pole, used on inland waters chiefly for recreation.• v. [intr.] travel in such a boat. ∎ [tr.] convey in such a boat.punt2 • v. 1. [tr.] Football kick (the ball) after it is dropped from the hands and before it reaches the ground: he used to be able to punt a football farther than anyone. ∎ [intr.] (of an offensive team) turn possession over to the defensive team by punting the ball after failing to make a first down: the Raiders could get nowhere with their possession, and had to punt. ∎ (of a player) act as the punter.2. [intr.] delay in answering or taking action; equivocate: he would continue to punt on questions of Medicare.• n. a kick of this kind.punt3 • v. [intr.] (in some gambling card games) place a bet against the bank. ∎ Brit., inf. bet or speculate on something: investors are punting on a takeover.• n. inf., chiefly Brit. a bet: those taking a punt on the company's success.punt4 • n. the basic monetary unit of the Republic of Ireland (until replaced by the euro), equal to 100 Irish pence.