rare1 / re(ə)r/ • adj. (rar·er, rar·est) (of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often: a rare genetic disorder | it's rare to meet someone who's content with their life. ∎ (of a thing) not found in large numbers and consequently of interest or value: the jellyfish tree, one of the rarest plants on earth. ∎ unusually good or remarkable: he plays with rare strength and sensitivity.DERIVATIVES: rare·ness n.rare2 • adj. (rar·er, rar·est) (of meat, esp. beef) lightly cooked, so that the inside is still red.
RARE Acronym for Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne. A loose association of private or semiprivate packet networks operated by a number of European countries for the use of their academic and research communities. JANET is one such network. RARE was formed to foster cooperation on matters of common interest. It is not intended that RARE shall operate a network itself.
rare1 †not thick or closely set; few and widely separated; of unusual merit XV; uncommon XVI. — L. rārus.
So rarefy XIV. — (O)F. raréfier or medL. rārificāre. rarity XVI. — F. rareté, †rarité, or L. rāritās.
RARE Computing réseaux associés pour la recherche européenne (French: Associate Networks for European Research)