
views updated May 18 2018

rec·om·mend / ˌrekəˈmend/ • v. [tr.] 1. put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role: George had recommended some local architects a book I recommended to a friend of mine. ∎  advise or suggest (something) as a course of action: some doctors recommend putting a board under the mattress | the report recommended that criminal charges be brought. ∎  [tr.] advise (someone) to do something: you are strongly recommended to seek professional advice. ∎  make (someone or something) appealing or desirable: the house had much to recommend it.2. (recommend someone/something to) archaic commend or entrust someone or something to (someone): I devoutly recommended my spirit to its maker.DERIVATIVES: rec·om·mend·a·ble adj.rec·om·men·da·tion / ˌrekəmənˈdāshən; -ˌmen-/ n.rec·om·mend·a·to·ry / -ˈmendəˌtôrē/ adj.rec·om·mend·er n.


views updated May 14 2018

recommend commend or commit to God; †praise, commend XIV; mention or introduce with approval; make acceptable XVII. — medL. recommendāre, f. RE- + commendāre COMMEND.
So recommendation XV.

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