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re·con·struct / ˌrēkənˈstrəkt/ • v. [tr.] build or form (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed: a small area of painted Roman plaster has been reconstructed. ∎  reorganize (something): later emperors reconstructed the army. ∎  form an impression, model, or reenactment of (a past event or thing) from the available evidence: from copies of correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the broad sequence of events. ∎  reenact (a crime or other incident) with the aim of discovering the culprit or cause: reconstructing the last walk of murdered Tracey.DERIVATIVES: re·con·struct·a·ble (also re·con·struct·i·ble)·con·struc·tive / -tiv/·con·struc·tor / -tər/ n.

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