ref·use1 / riˈfyoōz/ • v. [intr.] indicate or show that one is not willing to do something: I refused to answer.| [intr.] he was severely beaten when he refused. ∎ [tr.] indicate that one is not willing to accept or grant (something offered or requested): she refused a cigarette| the old lady was refused admission to four hospitals. ∎ inf. (of a thing) fail to perform a required action: the car refused to start. ∎ [tr.] decline to accept an offer of marriage from (someone): he's so conceited he'd never believe anyone would refuse him. ∎ [tr.] (of a horse) stop short or run alongside (a fence or other obstacle) instead of jumping it.DERIVATIVES: re·fus·er n.ref·use2 / ˈrefˌyoōs; -ˌyoōz/ • n. matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; trash: heaps of refuse | refuse collection.