re·gen·er·ate • v. / riˈjenəˌrāt/ [tr.] (of a living organism) regrow (new tissue) to replace lost or injured tissue: a crab in the process of regenerating a claw. ∎ [intr.] (of an organ or tissue) regrow: once destroyed, brain cells do not regenerate. ∎ bring into renewed existence; generate again: the issue was regenerated last month. ∎ bring new and more vigorous life to (an area or institution), esp. in economic terms; revive: regenerating the inner cities. ∎ (esp. in Christian use) give a new and higher spiritual nature to. ∎ [usu. as adj.] (regenerated) Chem. precipitate (a natural polymer such as cellulose) in a different form following chemical processing, esp. in the form of fibers.• adj. / riˈjenərət/ reformed or reborn, esp. in a spiritual or moral sense.DERIVATIVES: re·gen·er·a·tor / -ˌrātər/ n.