re·pair1 / riˈpe(ə)r/ • v. [tr.] fix or mend (a thing suffering from damage or a fault): faulty electrical appliances should be repaired by an electrician. ∎ make good (such damage) by fixing or repairing it: an operation to repair damage to his neck. ∎ put right (a damaged relationship or unwelcome situation): the new government moved quickly to repair relations with the USA.• n. the action of fixing or mending something: the truck was beyond repair| the abandoned house they bought needs repairs. ∎ a result of such fixing or mending: a coat of French polish was brushed over the repair. ∎ the relative physical condition of an object: the existing hospital is in a bad state of repair.DERIVATIVES: re·pair·a·ble·pair·er·pair2 • v. [intr.] (repair to) formal or humorous go to (a place), esp. in company: we repaired to the tranquility of a nearby cafe.• n. archaic frequent or habitual visiting of a place: she exhorted repair to the church. ∎ a place that is frequently visited or occupied: the repairs of wild beasts.
Hence repair sb.2 act of restoring to sound condition, etc. XVI. So reparable XVI. — F. reparation action of repairing XIV; amends XV. — (O)F. — late L.
So repair sb.1 (place of) resort. XIV. — OF. repaire, repeire (mod. repaire, repère).