salt marsh
salt marsh Vegetation often found on mud banks formed at river mouths, showing regular zonation reflecting the length of time different areas are inundated by tides. Sea-water has a high salt content which produces problems of osmotic pressure for the vegetation, so that only plants that are adapted to this environment (halophytes) can survive.
salt marsh
salt marsh Vegetation often found on mud banks formed at river mouths, showing regular zonation reflecting the length of time different areas are inundated by tides. Sea water has a high salt content, which produces problems of osmotic pressure for the vegetation, so that only plants adapted to this environment (halophytes) can survive.
salt marsh
salt marsh Vegetation often found on mud banks formed at river mouths, showing regular zonation reflecting the length of time different areas are inundated by tides. Sea water has a high salt content which produces problems of osmotic pressure for the vegetation, so only plants that are adapted to this environment (halophytes) can survive there.