
views updated May 21 2018

stout / stout/ • adj. 1. (of a person) somewhat fat or of heavy build: stout middle-aged men. ∎  (of an object) strong and thick: Billy had armed himself with a stout stick stout walking boots. 2. (of an act, quality, or person) brave and determined: he put up a stout defense in court.• n. a kind of strong, dark beer brewed with roasted malt or barley.DERIVATIVES: stout·ish adj. (in sense 1).stout·ly adv.stout·ness n. (in sense 1).


views updated May 21 2018

stout collapse of stout party standard dénouement in Victorian humour; the phrase is supposed to come from Punch, as the characteristic finishing line of a joke, but no actual example has been traced, although the character Stout Party appeared in a cartoon of 1855.
put a stout heart to a stey brae Scottish proverbial saying, late 16th century; meaning that determination is needed to climb a steep (‘stey’) hillside.


views updated May 14 2018

stout1 †proud, fierce, brave; strong in body or build XIV; corpulent XIX. — AN., OF. (N.E. dial.) stout, for estout :- WGmc. *stult- (MLG. stolt, MDu., Du. stout, (O)HG stolz proud), perh. rel. to *stelt- (see STILT).


views updated May 14 2018

stout2 strong beer XVII. prob. ellipt. for s. ale or s. beer (STOUT1), the adj. being current XVII–XIX as applied to drink having a good body.


views updated Jun 27 2018

stout See beer.

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