Tadpole ★★½ 2002 (PG-13)
You know you've hit a chord when your movie's title has been adopted as a verb (tad-poling) for the trend of older women cruising younger men. Precocious, prep-schooler Oscar Grubman (Stanford) comes home to Manhattan to spend the holidays with his remarried dad (Ritter) and his new stepmom (Weaver), on whom he promptly develops a crush. Soon the unrequited love for his new mum, the aptly named Eve, is soothed instead by her cradle-robbing best friend (a show-stealing Neuwirth). Stanford shines, even through the drab digital camerawork, in this witty, new millennium “Graduate.” 77m/C VHS, DVD . US Aaron Stanford, Sigourney Weaver, John Ritter, Bebe Neuwirth, Robert Iler, Peter Appel, Adam LeFevre; D: Gary Winick; W: Heather McGowan, Niels Mueller; C: Hubert Taczanowski.
tad·pole / ˈtadˌpōl/ • n. the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog, toad, newt, or salamander), breathing through gills and lacking legs until its later stages of development.