tart1 / tärt/ • n. an open pastry case containing a filling.DERIVATIVES: tart·let / -lit/ n.tart2 • n. inf., derog. a prostitute or a promiscuous woman.• v. [tr.] (tart oneself up) inf., chiefly Brit. dress or make oneself up in order to look attractive or eye-catching. ∎ (tart something up) decorate or improve the appearance of something: the page layouts have been tarted up with cartoons.tart3 • adj. sharp or acid in taste: a tart apple. ∎ (of a remark or tone of voice) cutting, bitter, or sarcastic: I bit back a tart reply.DERIVATIVES: tart·ly adv.tart·ness n.
Tart ★★ 2001 (R)
Cat Storm (Swain) is desperate to belong to the incrowd at her New York prep school even if it means dumping her best friend, Delilah (Phillips). But privilege has its price. 94m/C VHS, DVD . Dominique Swain, Brad Renfro, Bijou Phillips, Mischa Barton, Lacey Chabert, Alberta Watson, Myles Jeffrey, Scott Thompson, Melanie Griffith; D: Christina Wayne; W: Christina Wayne; C: Stephen Kazmierski; M: Jeehun Hwang.
tart2 †painful OE.; sharp to the taste XIV; sharp or biting in tone XVII. OE. teart, of unkn. orig.
tart1 piece of pastry (now open) with fruit or jam filling. XIV. — OF. tarte, of unkn. orig.