tick1 / tik/ • n. 1. a regular short, sharp sound, esp. that made every second by a clock or watch. ∎ Brit. inf. a moment (used esp. to reassure someone that one will return or be ready very soon): I'll be with you in a tick.2. chiefly Brit. a check mark.3. Stock Market the smallest recognized amount by which a price of a security or future may fluctuate.• v. 1. [intr.] (of a clock or other mechanical device) make regular short sharp sounds, typically for every second of time passing: I could hear the clock ticking. ∎ (tick away/by/past) (of time) pass (used esp. when someone is pressed for time or keenly awaiting an event): the minutes were ticking away till the actor's appearance. ∎ [tr.] (tick something away) (of a clock or watch) mark the passing of time with regular short sharp sounds: the little clock ticked the precious minutes away. ∎ proceed or progress: her book was ticking along nicely.2. chiefly Brit. [tr.] mark (an item) with a check mark, typically to show that it has been chosen, checked, or approved: just tick the appropriate box below. ∎ (tick something off) list items one by one in one's mind or during a speech: he ticked the points off on his fingers.PHRASES: what makes someone tick inf. what motivates someone: people are curious to know what makes these men tick.PHRASAL VERBS: tick someone offinf. make someone annoyed or angry.tick over (of an engine) idle. ∎ work or function at a basic or minimum level: they are keeping things ticking over until their father returns.tick2 • n. a parasitic arachnid (suborder Ixodida, order Acarina) that attaches itself to the skin of a terrestrial vertebrate from which it sucks blood, leaving the host when sated. Some species transmit diseases, including tularemia and Lyme disease. ∎ inf. a parasitic louse fly.tick3 • n. a fabric case stuffed with feathers or other material to form a mattress or pillow. ∎ short for ticking.tick4 • n. (in phrase on tick) chiefly Brit. or dated on credit.
So sb. slight touch XV; quick dry sound XVII; small dot or dash XIX. The parallel LG. tikk touch, instant, Du. tik pat, touch, tikken pat, tick, OHG. zekōn pluck, etc., may point to a WGmc. base, or the various forms may be independent expressive formations.