Arab League Summits

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meetings of arab heads of state since 1964.

Since 1964, heads of states (as opposed to foreign ministers) of member states of the Arab League have met periodically to deal with issues of regional and

issues at arab league summits and locationresolutions, outcomes
table by ggs information services, the gale group
1stjanuary 1964, cairoagreed to oppose "the robbery of the waters of jordan by israel."
2ndseptember 1964, alexandriasupported the establishment of the palestine liberation organization (plo) in its effort to liberate palestine from the zionists.
3rdseptember 1965, casablancaopposed "intra-arab hostile propaganda."
4th29 august1 september 1967, khartoumheld post-1967 arab-israeli war, which ended with crushing israeli victory; declared three "no's": "no negotiation with israel, no treaty, no recognition of israel."
5thdecember 1969, rabatcalled for the mobilization of member countries against israel.
6thnovember 1973, algiersheld in the wake of the 1973 arab-israeli war, it set strict guidelines for dialogue with israel.
7th30 october2 november 1974, rabatdeclared the plo to be "the sole and legitimate representative of the palestinian people," who had "the right to establish the independent state of palestine on any liberated territory."
8thoctober 1976, cairoapproved the establishment of a peacekeeping force (arab deterrent force) for the lebanese civil war.
9thnovember 1978, baghdadcondemned the camp david peace accords between egypt and israel, and threatened egypt with sanctions, including the suspension of its membership if egypt signed a treaty with israel.
10thnovember 1979, tunisheld in the wake of israel's invasion of lebanon in 1978, it discussed israel's occupation of southern lebanon.
11thnovember 1980, ammanformulated a strategy for economic development among league members until 2000.
12thnovember 1981/september 1982, fezmeeting was suspended due to resistance to a peace plan drafted by saudi crown prince fahd, which implied de facto recognition of the jewish state. in september 1982 at fez, the meeting reconvened to adopt a modified version of the fahd plan, called the fez plan.
13thaugust 1985, casablancafailed to back a plo-jordanian agreement that envisaged talks with israel about palestinian rights. summit boycotted by five member states.
14thnovember 1987, ammansupported un security council resolution 598 regarding cease-fire in the iran-iraq war. also declared that individual member states could decide to resume diplomatic ties with egypt.
15thjune 1988, casablancadecided to financially support the plo in sustaining the intifada in the occupied territories.
16thmay 1989, casablancareadmitted egypt into arab league, and set up tripartite committee to secure a cease-fire in the lebanese civil war and re-establish a constitutional government in lebanon.
17thmay 1990, baghdaddenounced recent increase of soviet jewish immigration to israel.
18thaugust 1990, cairo12 out of 20 members present condemned iraq for invading and annexing kuwait. agreed to deploy troops to assist saudi and other gulf states' armed forces.
19thjune 1995, cairoheld after a hiatus of five years. iraq not invited.
20thoctober 2000, cairoset up funds to help the palestinians' second intifada against the israeli occupation, and called on its members to freeze their relations with israel. iraq was invited.
21stmarch 2001, ammanheld after the election of ariel sharon as israel's prime minister, it appointed egypt's amr mousa as the arab league's new secretary-general.
22ndmarch 2002, beirutadopted the saudi peace plan of crown prince abdullah, which offered israel total peace in exchange for total israeli withdrawal from arab territories conquered in the 1967 war. opposed the use of force against iraq.
23rdmarch 2003, sharm al-sheikh, egyptagreed not to participate in the u.s.-led attack on iraq, but allowed the united states to use military bases in some of their countries.

inter-Arab importance. The following chart summarizes the main issues discussed or approved at the various summit meetings.


Hiro, Dilip. The Essential Middle East: A Comprehensive Guide. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2003.

Philip Mattar

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