as·pi·rate • v. / ˈaspəˌrāt/ [tr.] 1. Phonet. pronounce (a sound) with an exhalation of breath. ∎ [intr.] pronounce the sound h at the beginning of a word.2. (usu. be aspirated) Med. draw (fluid) by suction from a vessel or cavity. ∎ draw fluid in such a way from (a vessel or cavity). ∎ breathe (something) in; inhale: some drowning victims don't aspirate any water.3. [usu. as adj.] (aspirated) provide (an internal combustion engine) with air: the superchargers produce twice the power of standard aspirated engines. See also normally aspirated.• n. / ˈasp(ə)rit/ 1. Phonet. an aspirated consonant. ∎ the sound h or a character used to represent this sound.2. Med. matter that has been drawn from the body by aspiration: gastric aspirate | esophageal aspirates. • adj. / ˈasp(ə)rit/ rare Phonet. (of a sound) pronounced with an exhalation of breath; aspirated.