Echeverría Bianchi, José Antonio (1932–1957)

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Echeverría Bianchi, José Antonio (1932–1957)

José Antonio Echeverría Bianchi (b. 16 July 1932; d. 13 March 1957), Cuban revolutionary. Born in Cárdenas, Matanzas, Echeverría was educated in primary school at the Colegio Hermanos Maristas de Cárdenas and graduated from high school in the same city. He entered the University of Havana School of Architecture in 1953, where he was elected president of the Federation of University Students (1954, 1955, and 1956). Echeverría, along with Fauré Chomón, founded the Revolutionary Directorate in 1956. In the same year he attended the Congress of Latin American Students in Chile. He and Fidel Castro were signers of the "Letter from Mexico." He participated in the organization that attacked the presidential palace in March 1957, and he directed the takeover of a Havana radio station, where he was killed in a gun battle with police.

See alsoCuba: The Republic (1898–1959)xml .


Additional Bibliography

García Oliveras, Julio A. Los estudiantes cubanos. La Habana: Casa Editora Abril, 2003.

Nuiry Sánchez, Juan. Presente!: Apuntes para la historia del movimiento estudiantil cubano. Ciudad de La Habana: Editora Política, 2001.

                         MarÍa del Carmen Almodovar

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