Katarismo, inspired by eighteenth-century rebel Tupaj Katari, encompasses diverse Bolivian Aymara nationalist groups that blend class consciousness with ethnic demands. It began in the early 1970s, when young intellectuals won control of a campesino union outside La Paz. By 1978 they dominated most highland unions and formed a political party, the Movimiento Revolucionario Tupaj Katari (MRTK). The Katarista Campesino Confederation joined the Bolivian Workers Central (COB) in 1979 and formed the Single Union Confederation of Campesino Workers (CSUTCB). During the 1980s the movement split into ten parties, almost all demanding a multinational state. Its ideas still underlie Aymara nationalism in the early twenty-first century.
See alsoAymara; Bolivia: Bolivia Since 1825; Movimiento Indígena Pachacutik; Movimiento Revolucionanrio Tupaj Katari de Liberación (MRTKL).
Hylton, Forrest, and Sinclair Thomson. "The Chequered Rainbow." New Left Review 35 (September-October 2005): 41-64.
Hurtado, Javier. El Katarismo. La Paz: Hisbol, 1986.
Canessa, Andrew. "Contesting Hybridity: Evangelistas and Kataristas in Highland Bolivia." Journal of Latin American Studies 32, no. 1 (2000): 115-144.
Rocha Monroy, Ramón. Líderes Contemporáneos del Movimiento Campesino de Bolivia: Jenaro Flores Santos. La Paz: CIPCA, 2006.
Linda Farthing
BenjamÍn Kohl