Ladrón de Guevara, Diego (1641–1718)

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Ladrón de Guevara, Diego (1641–1718)

Diego Ladrón de Guevara (b. 1641; d. 9 November 1718), bishop and viceroy of Peru (1710–1716). Born in Cifuentes, Ladrón studied in Alcalá and Sigüenza before entering the church, serving as a canon in both Sigüenza and Málaga. He was sent to America in 1689 as bishop of Panamá and was subsequently promoted to Huamanga (Peru) in 1699, and Quito in 1703.

Following the death in office in 1710 of the viceroy of Peru, marqués de Castelldosríus, Ladrón, as the audiencia's third choice as interim successor, took office when the other two nominees died. Although recalled to Spain in 1713, he remained in office until 1716 and stayed in Lima for two further years to defend himself (unsuccessfully) against charges of corruption, permitting contraband, and incompetence in defending shipping in the Pacific against English intruders. He left Peru for Acapulco in March 1718 and died in Mexico City later that year.

See alsoPeru: From the Conquest Through Independence .


Rubén Vargas Ugarte, Historia del Perú: Virreinato (Siglo XVIII) 1700–1790 (1956), esp. pp. 67-96.

Geoffrey J. Walker, Spanish Politics and Imperial Trade, 1700–1789 (1979), esp. pp. 61-62, 80-83.

Additional Bibliography

Andrien, Kenneth J. Andean Worlds: Indigenous History, Culture, and Consciousness under Spanish Rule, 1532–1825. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2001.

                                     John R. Fisher

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