Moshinsky Borodianksky, Marcos (1921–)

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Moshinsky Borodianksky, Marcos (1921–)

Marcos Moshinsky Borodianksky (b. 20 April 1921), Mexican nuclear physicist. A native of Kiev, Ukraine, his father immigrated to Mexico in 1928 and became a naturalized citizen five years later. Moshinsky received most of his education in Mexico City, graduating with a chemistry degree from the National University in 1944 before studying physics as an Allen Nun fellow at Princeton University (1946–1949). He became a professor at the National University and a research scientist at the Institute of Geophysics. Moshinsky directed the theoretical nuclear physics section at the National University and edited the Mexican physics review. He was awarded the National Prize in Sciences in 1968 and named a member of the National College in 1972. He often writes for the popular media, including Excélsior. In 1985, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) awarded him its Prize for the Exact Sciences. He donated the cash portion of the prize to the victims of the September 1985 Mexico City earthquake. He won the Prince of Asturias Prize for Scientific and Technical Investigation in 1988. He is currently a professor of theoretical physics and a researcher at the Physics Institute of UNAM.

See alsoScience .


Colegio Nacional, Memoria, vol. 7 (1973), pp. 271-274.

                                             Roderic Ai Camp

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