Puente Uceda, Luis de la (?–1965)
Puente Uceda, Luis de la (?–1965)
Luis de la Puente Uceda (d. 1965), radical politician in Peru, founder of the Rebel APRa and the Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR) in the early 1960s. Puente Uceda, a former student leader, led a group of Aprista dissidents who were disillusioned with the increasingly conservative character of the Populist Party, especially after the establishment in 1962 of a political alliance with the former dictator Manuel A. Odría. In 1965 the MIR launched a seriously flawed armed insurrection in the interior provinces of Cuzco and Junín. Lacking a sound strategy and coordination with other guerrilla movements, such as the Army of National Liberation led by Héctor Béjar, the MIR was defeated and its main leaders, Puente Uceda and Ernesto Lobatón, killed by counterinsurgency forces of the Peruvian military.
See alsoPeru, Political Parties: Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR); Peru, Political Parties: Peruvian Aprista Party (PAP/APRA).
Héctor Béjar, Peru 1965: Notes on a Guerrilla Experience (1970).
Daniel Masterson, Militarism and Politics in Latin America: Peru from Sánchez Cerro to "Sendero Luminoso" (1991).
Additional Bibliography
Rénique C., José Luis. "De la traición aprista al gesto her-oico: Luis de la Puente y la guerrilla del MIR." Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe 15:1 (January-June 2004): 89-114.
Alfonso W. Quiroz