Sarratea, Manuel de (1774–1849)

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Sarratea, Manuel de (1774–1849)

Manuel de Sarratea (b. 13 August 1774; d. 21 September 1849), Argentine statesman of the independence and early national periods. Born in Buenos Aires into a distinguished family that eventually included Santiago de Liniers y Bremond as his brother-in-law, Sarratea spent much of his early life in Spain but returned in time to take part in the independence movement. Though Sarratea received important government positions (such as president of the First Triumvirate in 1811 and captain-general and governor of Buenos Aires Province in 1820), he seldom retained any post for long. Some authors have focused on these career changes and his friendship with British merchants to dismiss him as an intriguer, yet he made numerous contributions during three decades of public service. During the second regime of Juan Manuel de Rosas, for example, Sarratea was named special envoy and minister plenipotentiary to Brazil (in 1838) and France (in 1841). He died in Limoges and his remains were transported to Buenos Aires in 1850.

See alsoBuenos Aires; Rosas de Terrero, Manuela.


Jacinto R. Yaben, Biografías argentinas y sudamericanas vol. 5 (1938–1940), pp. 591-593.

Oreste Carlos Ales, D. Manuel de Sarratea: Ensayo histórico (1975).

Additional Bibliography

Halperin Donghi, Tulio. Revolución y guerra: Formación de una elite dirigente en la Argentina criolla. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores Argentina, 2002.

Herrero, Fabián, and Klaus Gallo. Revolución, política e ideas en el Río de la Plata durante la década de 1810. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Cooperativas, 2004.

Szuchman, Mark D., and Jonathan C. Brown, eds. Revolution and Restoration: The Rearrangement of Power in Argentina, 1776–1860. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994.

                                        Fidel Iglesias

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