Vega, Jorge Luis de la (1930–1971)

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Vega, Jorge Luis de la (1930–1971)

Jorge Luis de la Vega (b. 27 March 1930; d. 26 August 1971), Argentine painter and draftsman. Vega was born in Buenos Aires and studied architecture at the National University. Believing that nonrepresentational art had reached a dead end, he helped to form the New Figuration Group in 1960. In his work Vega depicts violence with a passionate eloquence that stands in marked contrast to the formal refinement of lyrical abstraction and geometrical art. Over the years he had numerous exhibitions in North and South America.

See alsoArt: The Twentieth Century .


Vicente Gesualdo, Aldo Biglione, and Rodolfo Santos, Diccionario de artistas plá sticos en la Argentina (1988).

Museum of Modern Art of Latin America (Washington, DC, 1985).

Additional Bibliography

Ramírez, Mari Carmen, Marcelo Eduardo Pacheco, and Andrea Guinta. Cantos paralelos: La parodia plástica en el arte argentine contemporáneo. Austin: Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin, 1999.

                            Amalia Cortina Aravena

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