Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling

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Women's organization based in Jerusalem.

The Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling was established in 1991, during the first Intifada, as a unit of the Women's Action Committee, a branch of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, at the initiative of Siham Barghouthi, Amal al-Juaʿaba, and Zahira Kamal. A board was formed, including Lamis Alami, Siham Barghouthi, Rawda el-Basir, Arham el-Damen, Samar Hawash, Zahira Kamal, Rana Nashashibi, Mukarram Qassrawi, and Lamia Quttineh. After a split with the Popular Front, the center became an independent organization in 1992. It is based in Jerusalem, with one branch in the Old City of Jerusalem and one in Khalil/Hebron. It works to advance the legal and social status of Palestinian women through programs advocating women's legal rights, and through research and advocacy based on the international principles of human rights. The center's activities encourage the Palestinian Authority to adopt the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The center has a wide network of relations with local, regional, and international organizations, including Israeli organizations, as well as with the Palestinian Authority.

see also gender: gender and law; intifada (19871991); popular front; women and family affairs center; women's affairs center (gaza).


Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC). Annual Report, 19992001.

islah jad

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Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling

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