Evans, Hon. John Maxwell, B.A., B.C.L. (Oxon)

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B. Aug. 4, 1942 in Great Britain. Married. Two children. Private Career: Bigelow Teaching Fellow, Law School, Univ. of Chicago, 1965-66. Lecturer in Law: Worcester Coll., Oxford, 1966-67 and London School of Economics and Political Science, 1967-75. Visiting Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, 1974; Professor, 1975-98; Associate Dean, 1982-85 and Acting Dean, 1987. Robinson, Cox Visiting Fellow, Univ. of Western Australia, 1983. Visiting Professor, Monash Univ., Australia, 1992. Appt'd: Judge of the Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division, Jun. 26, 1998 and Judge of the Federal Court of Can., Appeal Div., Dec. 8, 1999 (changed to the Federal of Appeal, Jul. 2, 2003). Author: Immigration Law, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 1st ed., 1976 and 2nd ed., 1983; de Smith's Judicial Review of Administrative Action, Stevens and Sons Ltd., 4th ed., 1980; Administrative Law: Cases, Text and Materials, Emond-Montgomery Publications Ltd., 1st ed., 1980, 2nd ed., 1984, 3rd ed., 1989 and 4th ed., 1995 and Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Canada, Canvasback Publishing, 1998. Address: Federal Court of Appeal, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0H9.

EVANS, HON. JOHN MAXWELL, B.A., B.C.L. (Oxon) Né le 4 août 1942 à Grande-Bretagne. Marié. Deux enfants. Carrière privée: Boursier Bigelow, Faculté de droit, Univ. of Chicago, 1965-66. Chargé de cours en droit: Worcester Coll., Oxford, 1966-67 et London School of Economics and Political Science, 1967-75. Professeur associé de droit, Faculté de droit Osgoode Hall en 1974; Professeur, 1975-98; Doyen associé, 1982-85 et Doyen intérimaire en 1987. Boursier associé Robinson, Cox, Univ. of Western Australia en 1983. Professeur associé, Monash Univ., Australie en 1992. Nommé: Juge de la Cour fédérale du Canada, Section de première instance le 26 juin 1998 et Juge de la Cour fédérale du Can., Section d'appel le 8 déc. 1999 (changé en la Cour de l'appel fédérale, Juil. 2, 2003). Auteur: "Immigration Law", Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 1re éd., 1976 et 2e éd., 1983; "de Smith's Judicial Review of Administrative Action", Stevens and Sons Ltd., 4e éd., 1980; "Administrative Law: Cases, Text and Materials", Emond-Montgomery Publications Ltd., 1re éd., 1980, 2e éd., 1984, 3e éd., 1989 et 4e éd., 1995 et "Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Canada", Canvasback Publishing, 1998. Adresse: Cour de l'appel fédérale, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0H9.

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