Higgins, Hon. Deb Elaine (Moose Jaw Wakamow) Minister of Labour, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation

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HIGGINS, HON. DEB ELAINE (Moose Jaw Wakamow) Minister of Labour, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation.

B. Jan. 25, 1954 in Moose Jaw, Sask. Dau. of John Gamracy and Maxine Butler. Ed. at Riverview Collegiate, Moose Jaw, Sask. M. Jun. 27, 1970 to Donald Higgins. Two children: Tanya and Darcy. Political Career: First elected to the Sask. Leg. g.e. 1999. Re-elected g.e. 2003. Appt'd: Min. of Labour, Oct. 12, 2001 and Min. resp. for the Status of Women, Mar. 26, 2002. Party: N.D.P. Address: Leg. Office: 306 Legislative Bldg., Regina, Sask., S4S 0B3, (306)787-1117, Fax: (306)787-6946 Riding Office: 920 Caribou St.
W., Moose Jaw, Sask., S6H 2L5, (306)694-1001, Fax: (306)691-0486; Email: [email protected].

HIGGINS, HON. DEB ELAINE (Moose Jaw Wakamow) Ministre du Travail, Ministre responsable de la Situation de la femme, et Ministre responsable de la Corporation de Gestion des immobiliers de la Saskatchewan. Née le 25 janv. 1954 à Moose Jaw, Sask. Fille de John Gamracy et Maxine Butler. Fit ses études à l'école sec. Riverview, Moose Jaw, Sask. M. le 27 juin 1970 à Donald Higgins. Deux enfants: Tanya et Darcy. Carrière politique: Élue pour la première fois à la légis. de la Sask. é.g. 1999. Réélu é.g. 2003. Nommée: min. du Travail le 12 oct. 2001 et min. resp. de la Situation de la femme le 26 mars 2002. Parti pol.: N.P.D. Adresse: Bureau Lég.: 306 Édifice législatif, Regina, Sask., S4S 0B3, (306)787-1117, Fax: (306)787-6946 Bureau Circonscription: 920, rue Caribou Est, Moose Jaw, Sask., S6H 2L5, (306)694-1001, Fax: (306)691-0486; Courriel: [email protected].

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Higgins, Hon. Deb Elaine (Moose Jaw Wakamow) Minister of Labour, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation

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    Higgins, Hon. Deb Elaine (Moose Jaw Wakamow) Minister of Labour, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation