ap·pear / əˈpi(ə)r/ • v. [intr.] 1. come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause. ∎ come into existence or use: the major life forms appeared on earth. ∎ (of a book) be published. the paperback edition didn't appear for another two years. ∎ feature or be shown: the symbol appears in many paintings of the period. ∎ perform publicly in a movie, play, etc.: he appeared on Broadway. ∎ (of an accused person, witness, or lawyer) make an official appearance in a court of law. ∎ inf. arrive at a place: by ten o'clock Bill still hadn't appeared.2. seem; give the impression of being: she appeared not to know what was happening it appears unlikely that interest rates will fall | he appeared unaware of the rebuke.