claim / klām/ • v. [tr.] state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof: he claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family. ∎ assert that one has gained or achieved (something): his supporters claimed victory in the presidential elections. ∎ formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something): if no one claims the items, they will become government property. ∎ make a demand for (money) under the terms of an insurance policy. ∎ call for (someone's notice and thought): a most unwelcome event claimed his attention. ∎ cause the loss of (someone's life).• n. 1. an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt: he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links.2. a demand or request for something considered one's due: the court had denied their claims to asylum. ∎ an application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy. ∎ a right or title to something: they have first claim on the assets of the trust. ∎ (also mining claim) a piece of land allotted to or taken by someone in order to be mined.PHRASES: claim to fame a reason for being regarded as unusual or noteworthy: his claim to fame was bringing Garbo to Hollywood.DERIVATIVES: claim·a·ble adj.
To demand or assert as a right. Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action. Demand for relief.
A claim is something that one party owes another. Someone may make a legal claim for money, or property, or for social security benefits.
A claim also means an interest in, as in a possessory claim, or right to possession, or a claim of title to land.
So claim sb. XIII. Hence claimant XVIII; primarily a legal term, after appellant, defendant.