con·quest / ˈkänˌkwest; ˈkäng-/ • n. the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force. ∎ a territory that has been gained in such a way: colonial conquests. ∎ (the Conquest) the invasion and assumption of control of England by William of Normandy in 1066. See also Norman Conquest. ∎ the overcoming of a problem or weakness. ∎ a person whose affection or favor has been won.
A term used in feudal law to designate land acquisition by purchase; or any method other than descent or inheritance by which an individual obtains ownership of an estate. A term used ininternational lawfor the process whereby a sovereign nation is, by force of arms, made to submit to another nation; the defeated country thus becomes part of the empire of the conqueror.