en·try / ˈentrē/ • n. (pl. -tries) 1. an act of going or coming in: the door was locked, but he forced an entry. ∎ a place of entrance, such as a door or lobby. ∎ the right, means, or opportunity to enter a place or be a member of something: the flood of refugees seeking entry to western Europe. ∎ Law the action of taking up the legal right to property. ∎ Mus. the point in a piece of music at which a particular performer in an ensemble starts or resumes playing or singing.2. an item written or printed in a diary, list, ledger, or reference book. ∎ the action of recording such an item: sophisticated features to help ensure accurate data entry.3. a person or thing competing in a race or competition: from the hundreds of entries we received, twelve winners were finally chosen. ∎ the number of competitors in a particular race or competition. ∎ the action of participating in a race or competition.4. the forward part of a ship's hull below the waterline, considered in terms of breadth or narrowness.
The act of making or entering a record; a setting down in writing of particulars; or that which is entered; an item. Generally synonymous with recording.
Passage leading into a house or other building or to a room; a vestibule.
The act of a merchant, trader, or other businessperson in recording in his or her account books the facts and circumstances of a sale, loan, or other transaction. The books in which such memoranda are first (or originally) inscribed are called books of original entry, and areprima facieevidence for certain purposes.
Incopyrightlaw, depositing with the register of copyrights the printed title of a book, pamphlet, and so on, for the purpose of securing copyright on the same.
In immigration law, any coming of an alien into the United States, from a foreign part or place or from an outlying possession, whether voluntary or otherwise.
Incriminal law, entry is the unlawful making of one's way into a dwelling or other house for the purpose of committing a crime therein. In cases ofburglary, the least entry with the whole or any part of the body, hand, or foot, or with any instrument or weapon, introduced for the purpose of committing a felony, is sufficient to complete the offense.
In customs law, the entry of imported goods at the custom house consists in submitting them to the inspection of the revenue officers, together with a statement or description of such goods, and the original invoices of the same, for the purpose of estimating the duties to be paid thereon.
In real property law, the right or authority to assert one's possessory interest or ownership in a piece of land by going onto the land.
Alcock, Barley, Dixon, and Meeson (1996)