Heed their Rising Voices

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"Heed Their Rising Voices"

Heed their Rising Voices


"The growing movement of peaceful mass demonstrations by Negroes is something new in the South …. Let Congress heed their rising voices, for they will be heard."—New York Times editorial Saturday, March 19, 1960

As the whole world knows by now, thousands of Southern Negro students are engaged in widespread non-violent demonstrations in positive affirmation of the right to live in human dignity as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In their efforts to uphold these guarantees, they are being met by an unprecedented wave of terror by those who would deny and negate that document which the whole world looks upon as setting the pattern for modern freedom.…

In Orangeburg, South Carolina, when 400 students peacefully sought to buy doughnuts and coffee at lunch counters in the business district, they were forcibly ejected, tear-gassed, soaked to the skin in freezing weather with fire hoses, arrested en masse and herded into an open barbed-wire stockade to stand for hours in the bitter cold.

In Montgomery, Alabama, after students sang "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" on the State Capitol steps, their leaders were expelled from school, and truckloads of police armed with shotguns and tear-gas ringed the Alabama State College Campus. When the entire student body protested to state authorities by refusing to reregister, their dining hall was padlocked in an attempted to starve them into submission.

In Tallahassee, Atlanta, Nashville, Savannah, Greensboro, Memphis, Richmond, Charlotte, and a host of other cities in the South, young American teenagers, in face of the entire weight of official state apparatus and police power, have boldly stepped forth as protagonists of democracy. Their courage and amazing restraint have inspired millions and given a new dignity to the cause of freedom.

Small wonder that the Southern violators of the Constitution fear this new, non violent brand of freedom fighter …even as they fear the upswelling right-to-vote movement. Small wonder that they are determined to destroy the one man who, more than any other, symbolizes the new spirit now sweeping the South—the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., world-famous leader of the Montgomery Bus Protest. For it is his doctrine of non-violence which has inspired and guided the students in their widening wave of sit-ins; and it [is] this same Dr. King who founded and is president of the Southern Christian leadership Conference—the organization which is spearheading the surging right-to-vote movement. Under Dr. King's direction the Leadership Conference conducts Student Workshops and Seminars in the philosophy and technique of non-violent resistance.

Again and again the Southern violators have answered Dr. King's peaceful protests with intimidation and violence. They have bombed his home almost killing his wife and child. They have assaulted his person. They have arrested him seven times—for "speeding," "loitering" and similar "offenses." And now they have charged him with "perjury"—a felony under which they could imprison him for ten years. Obviously, their real purpose is to remove him physically as the leader to whom the students and millions of others—look for guidance and support, and thereby to intimidate all leaders who may rise in the South. Their strategy is to behead this affirmative movement, and thus to demoralize Negro Americans and weaken their will to struggle. The defense of Martin Luther King, spiritual leader of the student sit-in movement, clearly, therefore, is an integral part of the total struggle for freedom in the South.

Decent-minded Americans cannot help but applaud the creative daring of the students and the quiet heroism of Dr. King. But this is one of those moments in the stormy history of Freedom when men and women of good will must do more than applaud the rising-to-glory of others. The America whose good name hangs in the balance before a watchful world, the America whose heritage of Liberty these Southern Upholders of the Constitution are defending, is our America as well as theirs…

We must heed their rising voices—yes—but we must add our own.

We must extend ourselves above and beyond moral support and render the material help so urgently needed by those who are taking the risks, facing jail, and even death in a glorious re-affirmation of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

We urge you to join hands with our fellow Americans in the South by supporting, with your dollars, this Combined Appeal for all three needs—the defense of Martin Luther King—the support of the embattled students—and the struggle for the right to vote.

Stella Adler

Raymond Pace Alexander

Harry Can Arsdale

Harry Belafonte

Julie Belafonte

Dr. Algernon Black

Marc Blitztein

William Branch

Marlon Brando

Mrs. Ralph Bunche

Diahann Carroll

Dr. Alan Knight Chalmers

Richard Coe

Nat King Cole

Cheryl Crawford

Dorothy Dandridge

Ossie Davis

Sammy Davis, Jr.

Ruby Dee

Dr. Philip Elliott

Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick

Anthony Franciosa

Lorraine Hansbury

Rev. Donald Harrington

Nat Hentoff

James Hicks

Mary Hinkson

Van Heflin

Langston Hughes

Morris Lushewitz

Mahalia Jackson

Mordecai Johnson

John Killens

Eartha Kitt

Rabbi Edward Klein

Hope Lange

John Lewis

Viveca Lindfors

Carl Murphy

Don Murray

John Murray

A.J. Muste

Frederick O'Neal

L. Joseph Overton

Clarence Pickett

Shad Polier

Sidney Poitier

A. Philip Randolph

John Raitt

Elmer Rice

Jackie Robinson

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt

Bayard Rustin

Robert Ryan

Maureen Stapleton

Frank Silvera

Hope Stevens

George Tabori

Rev. Gardner C. Taylor

Norman Thomas

Kenneth Tynan

Charles White

Shelley Winters

Max Youngstein


Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy (Montgomery, Ala.)

Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth (Birmingham, Ala.)

Rev. Kelley Miller Smith (Nashville, Tenn.)

Rev. W. A. Dennis (Chattanooga, Tenn.)

Rev. C. K. Steele (Tallahassee, Fla.)

Rev. Matthew D. McCollom (Orangeburg, S.C.)

Rev. William Holmes Borders (Atlanta, Ga.)

Rev. Douglas Moore (Durham, N. C.)

Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker (Petersburg, Va.)

Rev. Walter L. Hamilton (Norfolk, Va.)

I. S. Levy (Columbia, S. C.)

Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. (Atlanta, Ga.)

Rev. Henry C. Bunton (Memphis, Tenn.)

Rev. S. S. Seay, Sr. (Montgomery, Ala.)

Rev. Samuel W. Williams (Atlanta, Ga.)

Rev. A. L Davis (New Orleans, La.)

Mrs. Katie E. Whickham (New Orleans, La.)

Rev. W. H. Hall (Hattiesburg, Miss.)

Rev. J. E. Lowery (Mobile, Ala.)

Rev. T. J. Jemison (Baton Rouge, La.)


Chairmen: A. Philip Randolph, Dr. Gardner C. Taylor; Chairmen of Cultural Division: Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier; Treasurer: Nat King Cole; Executive Director: Bayard Rustin; Chairmen of Church Division: Father George B. Ford, Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Rev. Thomas Kilgore, Jr., Rabbi Edward E. Klein; Chairman of Labor Division: Morris Iushewitz.

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