
views updated May 09 2018

nom·i·nal / ˈnäminəl/ • adj. 1. (of a role or status) existing in name only: Thailand retained nominal independence under Japanese military occupation. ∎  of, relating to, or consisting of names. ∎  Gram. relating to, headed by, or having the function of a noun.2. (of a price or amount of money) very small; far below the real value or cost: some firms charge only a nominal fee for the service.3. (of a quantity or dimension, esp. of manufactured articles) stated or expressed but not necessarily corresponding exactly to the real value: legislation allowed variation around the nominal weight (that printed on each packet). ∎  Econ. (of a rate or other figure) expressed in terms of a certain amount, without making allowance for changes in real value over time: the nominal exchange rate.4. inf. (chiefly in the context of space travel) functioning normally or acceptably.DERIVATIVES: nom·i·nal·ly adv.


views updated Jun 11 2018

1. Relating to nouns: a nominal group.

2. A NOUN or PRONOUN: He and bridge are the nominals in the sentence He crossed the bridge.

3. An ADJECTIVE functioning as a noun: the poor (poor people); the accused (the accused person). The terms nominal group and nominal clause mean the same as noun phrase and noun clause. A nominal clause is a finite or non-finite clause that resembles a noun phrase in the range of its functions; for example, as the subjects of sentences, That he can't lift his arm in That he can't lift his arm worries me, and Smoking cigarettes in Smoking cigarettes can cause cancer. Compare SUBSTANTIVE.


views updated May 23 2018

nominal pert. to a noun XV; pert. to a name; existing only in name XVII. — F. nominal or L. nōminālis, f. nōmen NAME; see -AL1.
Hence nominalism XIX, -ist XVII. nominally (-LY2) by name XVII; in name XVIII.


views updated Jun 11 2018


Trifling, token, or slight; not real or substantial; in name only.

Nominal capital, for example, refers to extremely small or negligible funds, the use of which in a particular business is incidental.

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