
views updated May 29 2018

se·cure / siˈkyoŏr/ • adj. fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost: check to ensure that all nuts and bolts are secure. ∎  not subject to threat; certain to remain or continue safe and unharmed: they are working to ensure that their market share remains secure against competition. ∎  protected against attack or other criminal activity: the official said that no airport could be totally secure. ∎  (of a place of detention) having provisions against the escape of inmates: a secure unit for youthful offenders. ∎  feeling safe, stable, and free from fear or anxiety: everyone needs to have a home and to feel secure and wanted. ∎  (secure of) dated feeling no doubts about attaining; certain to achieve: she remained poised and complacent, secure of admiration.• v. [tr.] fix or attach (something) firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost: pins secure the handle to the main body. ∎  make (a door or container) hard to open; fasten or lock: doors are likely to be well secured at night. ∎  protect against threats; make safe: the government is concerned to secure the economy against too much foreign ownership. ∎  capture (a person or animal): the suspect is secured and in the back of a patrol car. ∎  succeed in obtaining (something), esp. with difficulty: the division secured a major contract. ∎  seek to guarantee repayment of (a loan) by having a right to take possession of an asset in the event of nonpayment: a loan secured on your home.DERIVATIVES: se·cur·a·ble·cure·ly·cure·ment n.


views updated May 23 2018

secure (arch.) feeling no care; safe, certain. XVI. — L. sēcūrus, f. SE- + cūra care (see CURE); cf. SURE.
Hence secure vb. make secure XVI; make sure of, get hold of XVIII. So security XV. — (O)F. sécurité or L. sēcūritās.


views updated May 23 2018


To assure the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation; to provide security.

A debtor "secures" a creditor by giving him or her a lien, mortgage, or other security to be used in case the debtor fails to make payment.

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