views updated May 09 2018ves·try / ˈvestrē/ • n. (pl. -tries) a room or building attached to a church, used as an office and for changing into vestments. ∎ a meeting of parishioners, originally in a vestry, for the conduct of parochial business. ∎ a body of parishioners meeting in such a way.
The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English
views updated May 21 2018vestry.
1. Room adjoining the chancel in a church where the vestments are kept and the clergy are vested.
2. Sacristy, often large, where books, sacred vessels, and vestments are stored, and where meetings may be held.
A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture JAMES STEVENS CURL
views updated May 23 2018Vestry
in the Church of England, the body which administers the affairs of the church or parish, hence, the collective body of churchwardens, 1672.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms
views updated Jun 08 2018vestry a room or building attached to a church, used as an office and for changing into ceremonial vestments; a meeting of parishioners, originally in a vestry, for the conduct of parochial business; a body of parishioners meeting in such a way.
The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ELIZABETH KNOWLES