sil·hou·ette / ˌsiloōˈet/ • n. the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, esp. in dim light. ∎ a representation of someone or something showing the shape and outline only, typically colored in solid black.• v. [tr.] (usu. be silhouetted) cast or show (someone or something) as a dark shape and outline against a lighter background: the castle was silhouetted against the sky.PHRASES: in silhouette seen or placed as a silhouette.
Silhouette ★★ 1991 (R)
Detained in a small Texas town, a woman witnesses the murder of a local girl—but in silhouette, so the killer's identity takes a feature-length running time to resolve. A fair but contrived thriller that the leading lady coproduced. 89m/C VHS . Faye Dunaway, David Rasche, John Terry, Carlos Gomez, Ron Campbell, Margaret Blye, Talisa Soto, Ritch Brinkley; D: Carl Schenkel; W: Victor Buell. CABLE