snare / sne(ə)r/ • n. 1. a trap for catching birds or animals, typically one having a noose of wire or cord. ∎ fig. a thing likely to lure or tempt someone into harm or error: the wickedness and snares of the Devil. ∎ Surgery a wire loop for severing polyps or other growths.2. a length of wire, gut, or hide stretched across a drumhead to produce a rattling sound. ∎ short for snare drum.• v. [tr.] catch (a bird or mammal) in a snare. ∎ fig. catch or trap (someone): I snared a passing waiter.DERIVATIVES: snar·er n.
snare trap consisting of a string with a running noose. Late OE. sneara — ON. snara = OS. snari (Du. snaar) string. OHG. snarahha snare. As applied to the strings of gut or hide stretched across the lower head of a side-drum prob. — MDu. or MLG. snare.
Hence snare vb. XIV. So synon. snarl 1 XIV; see -LE1.
snare (snair) n. an instrument consisting of a wire loop designed to remove polyps, tumours, and other projections of tissue. See also diathermy.