Light Intensity
Light Intensity
Light intensity plays a vital role. With increased light the fish’s vision improves, and they will become more wary of predators. The sun’s angle determines the amount of light entering the water. Low light angles penetrate the surface less because more of it is subject to refraction. That’s why it is easier to approach fish at dawn and dusk rather than at midday. Consequently, it is easier to approach fish during the seasons with lowered sunlight angles (winter, spring and fall).
Likewise, it is more difficult to approach fish during the summer season. The high sunlight angle illuminates the water and improves the fish’s vision. As a result, the more light that is present, the more observant the fish will become.
A bright sun over your back may conceal your position from the fish because the glare makes it difficult to detect your presence. You are hidden by the sun’s brightness. But if you cast a sudden shadow over the fish, you may alarm them because they fear that this shadow might be a bird swooping down upon them.