
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Andrade, Carlos Drummond de

Carlos Drummond de Andrade (əndräd´), 1902–87, Brazilian poet. The son of landowners, he worked as a journalist before earning (1925) a degree in pharmacology. In 1928 Andrade became a civil servant while working as a newspaper editor. His first volume of poems, Alguma poesia [some poetry] (1930), exhibited many characteristics of Brazilian modernism. Andrade is considered the major Brazilian poet of his time; his works include Poesias [poems] (1942), A rosa do povo [the people's rose] (1945), Claro enigma [clear enigma] (1951), A vida passada a limpo [life in a new copy] (1959), and As impurezas do branco [the impurities of white] (1973). He also wrote essays and award-winning translations of European writers.

See study by R. Sternberg (1987).


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Drummond de Andrade, Carlos


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