
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


KirkcudbrightFlorrie, Laurie, lorry, Macquarie, quarry, sorry, whare •Rhodri • Godfrey • hostelry •Coventry • quixotry •cacciatore, Corey, dory, Florey, flory, furore, glory, gory, hoary, hunky-dory, lory, Maury, monsignori, Montessori, multistorey, Pori, Rory, satori, saury, storey, story, Tory, vainglory •Aubrey • aumbry •Audrey, bawdry, tawdry •laundry •gallimaufry, orphrey •palfrey • paltry • outlawry • centaury •clerestory (US clearstory) •understorey •cowrie, kauri, Lowry, Maori •Cowdrey • foundry • Rowntree •ochry (US ochery) • poultry •coxcombry • matsuri • Kirkcudbright •shoetree •Hurri, potpourri •kukri • century • penury • estuary •residuary • augury • mercury


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Kirkcudbright (town, Scotland)

Kirkcudbright (kûrkōō´brē), town (1991 pop. 3,406), Dumfries and Galloway, SW Scotland, at the head of the Dee estuary. It has granaries and creameries and is a market town and artists' colony. There are traces of an ancient wall and moat and of a McClellan clan castle (1582).


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Kirkcudbright (former county, Scotland)

Kirkcudbright, former county, Scotland: see Kirkcudbrightshire.


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