
views updated May 23 2018

nar·whal / ˈnärwəl/ • n. a small Arctic whale (Monodon monoceros, family Monodontidae), the male of which has a long spirally twisted tusk developed from one of its teeth.


views updated Jun 27 2018

narwhal XVII. — Du. narwal — Da. narhval; the second el. is WHALE. The relation to synon. ON. náhvalr is obscure; the latter appears to be f. nár corpse, and the allusion is supposed to be to the colour of the animal's skin.


views updated May 29 2018

narwhal Small, toothed Arctic whale. The male has a twisted horn, half as long as its body, which develops from a tooth and protrudes horizontally through one side of the upper lip. Length: up to 5m (16ft). Species Monodon monoceros.


views updated May 21 2018

narwhal a small Arctic whale, the male of which has a long forward-pointing spirally twisted tusk developed from one of its teeth; in the past this tusk was sometimes represented as or believed to be a unicorn's horn, with its magic properties.


views updated May 18 2018

narwhal (Monoceros) See MONODONTIDAE.

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