Narváez, Ramón María

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Ramón María Narváez (rämōn´ märē´ä närvä´ĕth), 1800–1868, Spanish general and statesman. He distinguished himself fighting for Isabella II against the Carlists (1834–39). When Espartero rose to power (1840), Narváez joined the partisans of Maria Christina in exile. He returned in 1843 to take part in Espartero's overthrow and was created duque de Valencia in 1845. As leader of the moderate conservatives, Narváez held the premiership, with only brief interruptions, from 1844 to 1851 and had several short ministries later (1856–57, 1864–65, and 1866–68). The "strong man" of Isabelline Spain, his authoritarian policies helped to provoke the uprising that soon after his death caused the downfall of Queen Isabella II.

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