
views updated May 23 2018

tan·gle1 / ˈtanggəl/ • v. [tr.] (usu. be tangled) twist together into a confused mass: the broom somehow got tangled up in my long skirt. ∎  [intr.] (tangle with) inf. become involved in a conflict or fight with: I know there'll be trouble if I try to tangle with him.• n. a confused mass of something twisted together: a tangle of golden hair. ∎  a confused or complicated state; a muddle. ∎ inf. a fight, argument, or disagreement.PHRASES: a tangled web a complex, difficult, and confusing situation or thing.DERIVATIVES: tan·gly / -g(ə)lē/ adj.tan·gle2 • n. any of a number of brown seaweeds, esp. oarweed.


views updated Jun 27 2018

tangle The common name for the large brown seaweed Laminaria digitata. The holdfast is much branched and root-like, the stipe is thick, flexible, smooth, and cylindrical, and the blade is oar-shaped and divided into many strap-like ribbons. It is found at and below low-water mark.


views updated May 29 2018

tangle1 †involve (a person) in embarrassment XIV; ENTANGLE XVI. ME. tangil, -el, var. of tagil; of uncert. orig.
Hence sb. XVII.


views updated Jun 27 2018


a knot of threads or other items in confused piles.

Examples : tangles of courts, 1861; of creepers, 1842; of facts and figures, 1883; of metaphysics, 1858; of low scrubby oaks, 1873; of serpent tresses, 1819; of words, 1866.


views updated May 29 2018

tangle2 gen. term for the larger seaweeds. XVI (earliest Sc.). prob. — Norw. tongul, Faroese tangul, repr. ON. bǫngull.

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