wrack1 • v. variant spelling of rack1 (sense 1).wrack2 / rak/ • n. any of a number of coarse brown seaweeds of the genera Fucus, Ascophyllum, and Pelvetia, class Phaeophyceae, that grow on the shoreline and frequently form a distinct band in relation to high- and low-water marks. Many have air bladders for buoyancy. wrack3 • n. variant spelling of rack5 .wrack4 • n. archaic , dial. a wrecked ship; a shipwreck. ∎ wreckage.
wrack The common name for any seaweed of the family Fucaceae. See also BLADDER WRACK; EGG WRACK; SERRATED WRACK; and SPIRAL WRACK.
wrack1 (arch.) retributive punishment, vengeance OE.; damage XV. OE. wræc, f. var. of base of wrecan WREAK.
wrack2 (dial.) wreck, wreckage XIV; marine vegetation XVI. — MDu. wrak, corr. to OE. wræc WRACK1.