Israeli-Jordanian Accords

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On 25 July 1994 in Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan signed an accord ending forty-six years of war between their two countries. The accord came after the conclusion of the Jordanian-Israeli Agenda, signed in 1993 also in Washington, which itself followed the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles. On 8 August the frontier post of Arava (Araba, in Arabic) between Israel and Jordan was opened, in the presence of the Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher. On 25 October the Israeli Knesset ratified the peace treaty with Jordan by a vote of 105 in favor to 3 against, with 6 abstentions. The next day, under the sponsorship of the United States and the Soviet Union, the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan was signed in the Desert of Arava (Wadi Araba) at the Jordanian-Israeli border. Through this accord Jordan took back most of the 147 square miles between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea that Israel had annexed in 1948.

SEE ALSO Christopher, Warren;Hassan of Jordan;Hussein ibn Talal;Knesset;Peres, Shimon;Rabin, Yitzhak.

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