Kimche, David (1928–)

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Israeli intelligence officer and diplomat. Born in London in 1928, David Kimche immigrated to Israel in 1948. He received a doctorate from Hebrew University and later worked as a journalist for the Jerusalem Post. In 1953 Kimche joined the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, working in Paris under cover as a journalist. He rose in Mossad's ranks, becoming deputy director under Yitzhak Hofi. Kimche left the Mossad in 1980 after a disagreement over policy concerning Lebanon. Under Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, Kimche was appointed director-general of the Foreign Ministry. He served as chief Israeli delegate at Khalde, Lebanon, in December 1982, at the talks with Lebanon and the United States after Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. After his retirement in 1987, Kimche lectured and authored several books, including The Last Option (1991).

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