Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction
Palestinian administrative structure established on 4 November 1993 by decree of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) for the purpose of managing economic aid meant for the economic development of the Palestinian autonomous territories in the context of the Oslo Accords. While the advisory council was under the authority of Yasir Arafat's presidency, the executive committee of the organization was chaired by Ahmad Sulayman Qurai, assisted by Hassan Abu Libdeh. On 25 January 1994 the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) published a proposed Palestinian Development Plan for a seven-year period. PECDAR was supplanted by a new organization, the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC). After MOPIC established itself as the administration responsible for donor coordination efforts and planning, PECDAR became an implementing agency for small- and medium-scale infrastructure projects (many, if not most, in association with the World Bank).
SEE ALSO Arafat, Yasir;Oslo Accords;Palestinian Autonomous Territories;Qurai, Ahmad Sulayman.