Resolution 904
Passed unanimously on 18 March 1994 by the UN Security Council, three weeks after the massacre of twenty-nine Palestinians by an Israeli settler in Hebron, this resolution refers to the fourth Geneva Convention and to the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles of 1993 and vehemently condemns the Hebron massacre; demands that Israel adopt and apply measures, including confiscation of arms, to prevent illegal violent acts by Israeli settlers; demands that measures be adopted to guarantee the security and protection of Palestinian civilians in the entire occupied territory, including, among other recourses, a temporary international or foreign presence; entreats the cosponsors of the peace process, the United States and Russia, to pursue efforts to invigorate this process; and reaffirms its support for the peace process and demands that the Declaration of Principles be applied without delay. The resolution was voted on paragraph by paragraph, allowing the United State to abstain on two of them, one placing Jerusalem among the Occupied Territories, the other referring to "occupied territory" rather than "occupied territories."
SEE ALSO Oslo Accords.