Global Terrorist Movements

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Global Terrorist Movements

Introduction to Global Terrorist Movements


"What Went Wrong in Somalia?"

Louise Leif, et al., 1993

World Trade Center Bombing, 1993

U.S. Department of Justice, 1995

"Osama Bin Laden: Islamic Extremist Financier"

Central Intelligence Agency, 1996

Fatwa Issued by Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden, 1996

Indictment of Osama Bin Laden

Mary Jo White, 1998

Department of Defense USS Cole Commission Report

U.S. Department of Defense, 2001

The Meaning of Jihad

Jamal Ahmed Al-Fadl, 2001

Transcript of Flight Attendant Betty Ong

Betty Ong, 2001

"Subj: Escape from New York on 9/11"

Kenneth Travis LaPensee, 2001

Speech to Labor Party Conference

Tony Blair, 2001

"I Am at War with Your Country"

Richard Reid and Judge William Young, 2003

Shoe Bomber Attempts Airliner Explosion

U.S. District Court, 2002

Terrorist Hiding Places

The Associated Press, 2002

"Axis of Evil"

George W. Bush, 2002

9/11 Commission Report

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004

"IRA Suspects on Foreign Land"

Mervyn Jess, 2002

"Death Toll in Bali Attack Rises to 188"

Alan Sipress and Ellen Nakashima, 2002

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured

Erik Eckholm and David Johnston, 2003

"Inferno and Panic at Tropical Retreat"

Alan Sipress, 2002

Madrid Bombing

Matthew Schofield and Alejandro Bopido-Memba, 2004

Madrid Bombing: Bishop Urges Lucidity

Gillian Handyside, 2004

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